Extend your lead hand, in a straight line, quickly to the head or body of the opponent. Get power from the legs, hips, and core. Turn your thumb down to the ground as you extend your hand and pretend you are trying to connect your shoulder to your chin. Bring your hand quickly back to cheek to protect your face.

level red staff member
Generating all of the power from your back foot, hips, and core; drive off of the ball of your back foot. Pretend you are squishing a bug with that back foot and drive your hip and knee to the ground. Extend your back hand as you turn your thumb down to the floor. Bring your shoulder as high up to your chin as you can. Quickly bring that hand back to your cheek to protect your face.

level red staff member
This is a sneaky shot that loops over your opponents guard from the side. Bring your elbow high to your shoulder line, keeping it at a 90 degree angle and your hand like you are holding a coffee mug or hitchhiking. Turn your hips into the punch and squish the bug with the foot that’s on the same side as your punching hand. Return to ready position.

These are power shots to the body or under the chin of your opponent. Always using your legs and hips to generate power, drive shift weight to the leg on the same side that you want to punch with. Extend that hand up keeping elbow bent at a 90 degree angle and hand facing back towards your body. Drive your hand through your opponent. Return to fight position.