Your Daily Stretches

How do you start your mornings? Some people start off with a cup of coffee, a toasty shower, a morning jog. But have you ever personally considered stretching? Loosening up your muscles before taking on the day can be both therapeutic and physically beneficial. It can help relieve any tension or pain from sleeping the night before. Repeating these stretches over time can help improve posture as well. Another benefit of this new routine is that it helps increase blood flow and prepares the body for the day ahead.


Here are some stretches to consider for your mornings:


  • Chest Stretch: Kneel on the floor and bring your hands together behind your body, interlocking your fingers. Gently extend your arms and pull your hands away from your body. This should cause your shoulders to retract and open up your chest. Hold this position for 40 seconds.
  • Shoulder Stretch: Stand shoulder-width apart, raise your right arm to shoulder height, and move it across the front of your body. With your left arm pull the right arm as close to the chest as possible and hold for 30 seconds. Switch arms and repeat.
  • Triceps Stretch: Keeping feet shoulder-width apart raise your right arm over your head. Bend your elbow so that your right hand is reaching for your left shoulder. Use your left hand to pull back on your right elbow. Hold for 30 seconds, switch arms, and repeat.
  • Standing Side Stretch: Standing straight up grab one hand over your head with the other and gently lean to each side while pulling on your hand slightly to engage your muscles between the ribs.
  • Butterfly Stretch: Sitting down, take both feel and align your heels and feet so that they’re touching, then gently press down on your thighs with your elbows until you feel your groin area being stretched out.
  • Hurdle Stretch: Sit down with one foot tucked in while the other is facing straight forward. Lean forward with your arm extended trying to grab your foot. If you cannot grab your foot, lean forward until you feel your hamstring stretching.
  • Downward Facing Dog: Place both hands on the ground (or a yoga/exercise mat if you have one) slightly further than shoulder-width apart, feet together behind you while resting on the balls of your feet in a push-up position. While maintaining a neutral spine and stabilizing through your abdominals, elevate your hips to create an inverted V. With knees slightly bent, press your heels into the floor and tilt your tailbone upwards. Create space between your shoulders and ears by drawing your shoulder blades down and back. Hold this position for 30 seconds.


Remember to talk to your doctor before making big lifestyle changes. If you have muscular or intestinal issues, be sure to take these stretches in stride of your abilities. It’s also important to remember that it’s easy to over-do it, so if you’ve strained any muscles or tendons from your workout the day prior take it easy or go for a gentle walk.


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