Workin’ The Triceps

Strong triceps not only make us not dread that sleeveless dress, but they also make everyday functioning a bit easier.

We use our arms for so many daily activities. Whether it is lifting up your 35lb. toddler, carrying more grocery bags than you can realistically handle, or scrubbing that bathtub. We work our arms already with a variety of activities, and those triceps sure do the heavy-lifting.


Triceps and Their Function


Did you know the triceps muscle has three heads?  These consist of the long head, the medial head, and the lateral head. These “heads” start at the upper arm and combine to form a single tendon that attaches to the bony part of your elbow. The triceps not only serve the purpose of extending the forearms, but they also help to stabilize and promote healthy shoulder joints. The triceps really support any movement that requires power, like driving that ball in golf or shooting a basketball.


Starting Out With Your Training


Keep in mind the importance of warming up. Consider starting your workout with a brisk walk or jog. This allows time for your muscles to physically warm up, which prevents injury. You can benefit from exercises that isolate the triceps, but consider exercises that involve muscle groups connected to the triceps such as the chest and shoulders. This helps with the overall functionality of the triceps. Implement repetitions, aiming to do three sets of 10-12 reps of each exercise for maximum benefit. You can add more weight to your workout over time. Rest your triceps for two days before working them again.


3 Top Triceps Exercises to Get You Going

Triceps extension:

With a dumbbell in each hand, extend your arms straight up in the air. Begin to bend your arms at the elbow and lower the dumbbells behind your head. Extend arms back straight in the air to     and repeat.


Triceps Kickbacks   

With one foot on a step or platform, and your arm that is on this same side dropping directly below the shoulder, hold a weight in the opposite hand and pull the elbow up to torso level.     Keeping the elbow in that position, extend the arm behind you. Lower the forearm down to about 90 degrees and repeat for up to 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps.


Triceps Dips

Sit on a bench with your hands just outside the hips, with the knees bent. Lift up onto the hands   keeping the hips very close to the chair or bench. Bend your elbows and begin lowering down until the elbows are at about 90 degrees. Push back to start and repeat for up to 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps.