
Train Like a Hero: Spiderman Plank Crunches

Tough time finding a costume this Halloween? Here’s an idea, go as a superhero! Marvel and DC films have picked up some serious speed over the years, and this is your year to look like a real-life mega human!

Oh no! Don’t have the spare cash to go purchase those fake foam muscles?  Don’t worry, we have a workout that can get you the hero body of your dreams! Spiderman Plank CRUNCHES! That’s right! A plank/crunch combo that targets your obliques, biceps, triceps, shoulders, and abdomen!

This move can be quite tricky, especially if it’s your first time and/or have poor balance. Don’t be discouraged if you struggle at first!

To help you master this super move, here are some tips for proper form:

  1. Get into the same position as you would to do push-ups in a plank position
  2. To crunch, lift one foot and pull your knee towards your arm. If possible, your knee should touch your arm. Keep your body as stable as possible. Then allow your leg to return to the starting position.
  3. Now repeat the exercise with your other leg. Keep alternating between the two legs, keeping your body as straight and firm as possible.

At first, the amount of reps you can complete will be very difficult. But remember, consistency is key to building strength and making this move easier! Stay safe this Halloween and enjoy your free costume!