Take the Stairs!

Squeezing in any kind of workout during the day can be a major win. Looking for opportunities to burn some extra calories on top of our already scheduled workouts can feel like a big achievement. Whatever your relationship is with exercise, finding quick ways to get that workout in with activities already built into your day can make exercise seem easy and effortless. Today, we take a closer look at the benefits of simply taking the stairs.


Did you know that making the decision to take those stairs instead of the elevator burns more calories per minute than jogging? Taking the stairs is actually considered a high intensity workout! If you are new to exercise and would like to get started, simply choosing to take the stairs everyday works to improve cardiovascular fitness. Those amazing muscles of yours get a nice boost too, as stair climbing is known to strengthen muscles. All of the muscles in your legs, which are the butt, hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, and calves get activated. Your abs and back muscles benefit too, as there is some engagement that occurs there when taking the stairs. Get those arms moving and you can add those too to the benefit list! Engaging in this type of cardiovascular fitness and using these muscle groups can help prevent a stroke, combat arthritis pain, and improve management of diabetes. Taking the stairs is also an excellent way to combat the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle, something that is a familiar experience for many in today’s modern world.


Taking the stairs is a quick and easy way to get a workout in. It comes with a variety of health benefits, and can help you reach your exercise goals. Take a look at some of the stair exercises we came across to help get you started:


Sprint Up Jog Down

-Begin at the base of the stairs.

-Run up the stairs as quickly while lifting your knees.

-Run down the stairs at a slower pace




Step Up to Reverse Lunge

-Start with both feet on the first step, keeping them about a shoulder-width apart

-Step back and down with your right foot, lowering into a reverse lunge.

-Bring your right foot back on the step

-Repeat the process, now with your left foot.

-Complete 10 repetitions