Sun is Out, Go Run

The sunshine is peaking through the clouds, the birds are chirping, and your morning cup of coffee has finished brewing! It’s almost the PERFECT day! What would make it perfect, you ask? Going for a run! And not just any run… An Interval Paced Run.


Interval Running involves a sequence of predefined distances or lengths of time to be ran, broken up by recovery breaks in between. Depending on the goal and speed of the intervals, the breaks will either be used to recover or to continue running at a slower pace. It’s not about the miles, it’s about the pace and repetition!


How is this running method beneficial, you ask? Well, because of the fast segments, the body is burning more energy, as it now has to move the same mass but at a higher speed. The fast-twitch muscle fibers also come into play during short, fast sprints. These burn a higher amount of energy than the other muscle fibers because they work explosively. Leading to weight loss and stronger endurance levels. Another great effect, when running more intense intervals, is the “After Burn.” This means that the body is still benefiting from the training, sometimes up to two days later. Lastly, intervals enhance the body’s cardiovascular system, increase oxygen capacity (lungs), boost metabolism, and increases performance considerably, allowing you to run faster and further for longer.


This workout is also great for the busy-bee individuals- this workout can be completed in 30 minutes and can be tailored to your level and goals! For examples, there are some people that love slapping on their running shoes and taking off for a steady jog that spans over an hour or more. But then there are people who shove those begrudging feet into their trainers and force themselves out the door to get their prescribed exercise in. Either way, whichever route you run, pun intended, interval running allows you to accomplish a ton and exercise in a shorter amount of time. A 30-minute interval run with repetitive high intensity bursts accomplishes the same effect as your leisurely, lengthy jog.


All in all, without variety and new challenges, the body will reach a plateau in its progress and performance. And since many gyms are still closed it’s important to take your health and your goals seriously. To enhance the cardiovascular system and metabolism, there must be new challenges incorporated into training. And interval running is the perfect way to achieve this.