Resistance Bands for Joint Pain

Are your joints beginning to experience some aches and pains following a workout? It’s common for individuals of all exercise levels to experience joint pain at some point in their lives.

Joint pain can be related to many conditions from arthritis to inflammation, as well as due to typical wear and tear. Regardless, just know there is relief around the corner.

Resistance bands are amazing tools for treating a variety of different types of joint pain. There are many different exercises you can try with a resistance band to strengthen your target area to prevent pain or injury from the start as well. With resistance bands, you have the ability to strengthen tendons, muscles and connective tissues within the joint itself. You will also find that you are able to improve joint stability and mobility while alleviating those aches and pains. Let’s take a look at a couple of exercises using resistance bands that target typical problematic joint areas:

Terminal Knee Extension

  • Strap a band to a stationary object and the other end behind your knee.
  • Begin to step backwards creating tension in the band and letting your knee shift forward.
  • Flex your quad and place your heel downward, straightening your leg.
  • Repeat


Shoulder Abduction to 90 Degrees

  • Stand on the band with your left foot while holding the band with your left hand.
  • Lift the band up to 90 degrees at your shoulder while keeping your elbow straight.
  • Hold for 2 seconds then return slowly to the starting positions
  • Repeat 10-15 times


If you are looking to reap the benefits of a high-impact workout that is easy on the joints, consider resistance bands. These bands utilize only the resistance in the band plus your body weight, so the workout is pretty easy on your joints. You are able to engage more of your body too! Check out these popular options for resistance bands for your next workout targeting your problematic joints: Set For Set, GAIAM, and ROGUE.