Plant Based vs. Whey Protein

Protein powders are all over the market as one of the most popular nutrition supplements. Trying to decide which is best can be quite the challenge. To accommodate different dietary restrictions and lifestyles, many manufacturers provide both whey protein powder (derived from cow’s milk) and plant-based alternatives. It’s hard to know if any specific type is actually better and which one suits your needs and preferences. We are going to compare plant-based and whey protein powders to help you form an opinion as to which is best for you.

How They’re Made?

Whey protein powders are isolated from whey, a milky byproduct from cheese making. Once the liquid has been collected, carbohydrates, fat, water, and other components are removed. The remaining protein is then spray-dried into a powder. Since whey protein is made from cow’s milk, it contains a milk sugar called lactose.

Plant-based protein powders are derived from various types of plants, typically brown rice, pea, soy, and hemp. Depending on the brand, a powder may be made from one type of plant or a combination of plants. Plant-based protein powders don’t contain dairy or lactose, which makes them a good option if you follow a vegan diet or are lactose intolerant.

Protein Content

Typically, whey and plant-based protein powders contain similar amounts of protein, with the average product providing 20 to 30 grams per serving. Whey protein powder is considered a complete protein since it contains all nine essential amino acids. The protein content of plant-based protein powder varies, depending on which plant it’s made from. Only soy protein powder is considered complete. Read the nutritional label to ensure the exact amount of protein content.

Digestibility and Food sensitivities

Whey protein powder contains lactose, which is a common food sensitivity. This can lead to an upset stomach, bloating, and gas if you’re highly sensitive to lactose. Plant-based protein powders contain varying ingredients. Some types contain common allergens like soy and gluten. The key is to read labels carefully and select products specifically labeled soy-free and or gluten-free if needed. If you have food sensitivities, find out which protein powder is right for you by trying a small portion and keeping a food diary. This can help you identify and keep track of any side effects that arise from using different products.


The prices of plant-based and whey protein powders depend on the brand. In general, you can find either type with similar pricing. Products advertised as organic, keto, or paleo often come at a higher cost.

There are some key differences between the two proteins to keep in mind when making your choice.  Use information to make the best decision for your needs.