Morning Workout: A Deep Dive Into The Benefits

You hear birds chirping, and the sun has just starting rising. You’re still in bed and just starting to wake up. What do you do?

Well, we are here to inform you the next best thing is to get that workout in!

If you are sitting there thinking “mornings are for the birds”, well yes, and we would like to add they are also the most ideal time to exercise. Not only are you reaping the benefit of jump-starting your day before many others have gotten out of bed, there are more mental and physical benefits to working out in the morning left to discuss. Let’s look at the top five!


Increased alertness

Some of us do not realize this, especially those of us that rely on that cup of coffee or two to get going, but we are all the most alert in the morning. This is due to the stress hormone cortisol being produced during the morning hours. This helps us to feel alert and focused. If we take     advantage of exercising during this time, it can come a bit easier and we are less likely to             become distracted with our day if we wait until later to exercise. Simply put, there is less          opportunity to make excuses!


Starting your Day on a Happier Note

Most of us know and have experienced those happy hormones being produced following a good workout. Now picture that feeling Monday morning before entering the office. Sounds nice doesn’t it? These happy hormones that are produced are the neurotransmitters called endorphins, serotonin, and norphenylephrine. Exercising raises these hormones the most  compared to other activities such as meditation or even eating chocolate. Add in a power walk or a bike ride in the morning and watch your day unfold with ease.


Healthier Body, Healthier Choices

Exercising in the morning has shown a positive change in blood pressure especially in those        that struggle with a high blood pressure. A study conducted by the American Heart Association in 2019 demonstrated this. You can also expect a boost in your metabolism. This is especially important at the beginning of the day as the recommendation is to eat the largest meal at   breakfast time. Morning exercise can trick the brain into making healthier choices. Exercise changes the brain to focus on a healthier mindset. This allows for more mindful decisions around what you choose to consume for your meals.


Better Sleep

Creating a routine that starts in the morning can assist with good sleep at night. Healthy    circadian rhythms, the natural sleep-wake cycle, can be established starting your day when the sun rises. This will set your body to the correct time, and help the release of melatonin to occur   at an appropriate rate and time for a good night’s rest. Exercise in general helps create a    hormonal balance, allows you to get into a routine, which ultimately results in improved sleep.


Increased Activity

Physical activity does not just stop after the morning workout. According to a 2012 study in “Medicine & Science in Sports & ExerciseTrusted Source, morning exercise correlates with more physical movement throughout the day. In this study, it was shown that participants were more physically active for 24 hours following 45 minutes of walking in the morning. This is        great news for those that are trying to combat a sedentary lifestyle.