
Medicine Ball for Your Core

Are you spending hours on crunches a day to achieve the core you want? Instead, reach for your medicine ball and add some spice to your core routine. The medicine ball is one of the most underrated workout tools. They are reasonably priced and can be found basically anywhere. It’s extremely versatile providing a full-body workout (offered in a variety of weights) and is especially effective in working your core.  If you are new to incorporating a medicine ball into your workout, here are some exercises to try:

  • Medicine Ball Russian Twist- This will work your obliques, abs, hip flexors and quads.

How to do it:

Step 1: Sit down on an exercise mat. Grab a medicine ball and hold with both hands.

Step 2: Hold your feet a few inches off the ground with your knees slightly bent.

Step 3: Begin by leaning back slightly to where you must hold yourself up with your abs.

Step 4: Next, twist your torso and bring the medicine ball to your left side and briefly touch the ground with the ball.

Step 5: Next, twist to the right side and touch the ground with the medicine ball.

Step 6: Repeat back and forth for the desired reps.


  • Medicine Ball Wood Chop- This will make you feel the burn in your obliques.

How to do it:

Step 1: Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Holding the medicine ball in both hands, rotate your torso to the right and lift it above your right shoulder.

Step 3: Rotate your torso to the left as you bring the ball down across your body toward hip-height on your left side.

Step 4: Complete 10 reps, then switch to the opposite side.


  • Medicine Ball Boat Balance- This will test your balance and stability and target your lower abs.

How to do it:

Step 1: Sit on a mat with the medicine ball in hand.

Step 2: Lean back, keeping your core engaged, and lift your feet off the ground.

Step 3: Either hold this position for 30 seconds, or make it more challenging by tossing the ball and caching it.


  • Big Circles- Along with working your core, this will help tone your arms and shoulders.

How to do it:

Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Also keep knees slightly bent.

Step 2: Hold the ball with both hands and extend it above your head straight.

Step 3: Rotate your arms clockwise at equidistant without bending your arms at any point.

Step 4: Form a big circle as slowly as possible while properly stretching your arms.


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