Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) are a type of fat found in both coconut oil as well as palm oil. MCT oil over recent years has been a popular supplement for athletes and those looking to build muscle.

MCT molecules are much smaller than those found in other types of fats. This means they are easier to digest, they absorb in the bloodstream quickly, which then provides a boost in energy. The admiration for coconut oil during the rise of the ketogenic diet brought beneficial research on what MCT oil is capable of doing for the body. But, what exactly is MCT used for?


MCT oil has been sought out for quite a few reasons. It can certainly help with weight loss, as your body can store less fat and you may feel full much longer when using MCT oil. This could potentially result in a lower calorie intake as well. MCT oil is excellent for appetite control. It has been shown to release two hormones, peptide YY and leptin, which both can promote the feeling of fullness in the body. MCT oil does possess anti-inflammatory properties that may lower your risk of chronic disease. An immediate energy source, MCTs are transformed into ketones in the liver. In the fasting state, this contributes to energy for the brain and can increase focus and concentration. The conditions that MCT oil has the capability of improving consist of digestive disorders, neurological disorders, diabetes and heart disease. Continued research is in the works to support these claims.


So, how do you use MCT oil? It is easy to add to many different foods and drinks. Some popular ways to use this oil is to add it to a smoothie, coffee, or even your salad dressing. MCT oil should not be added to the frying pan, as it has a low burning point. Everyone tolerates it differently, so daily intake will look different between two people. The most MCT oil you should ingest in a day will be between 4-7 tablespoons, and these should be spread out. Symptoms to look out for if you have taken in too much consist of stomach upset. It is definitely wise to review with your medical provider or dietitian whether MCT oil is right for you.