
LRB Virtual Workout Overview

Level Red Boxing offers a huge variety of virtual workouts.  Today we wanted to highlight Rachels 30 second Split HIIT Workout.  If you are looking for a super-fast paced workout filled with variety, that burns about 300 calories in 30 minutes, look no further. This workout requires no equipment; however, if you would like to level up your workout, you can incorporate hand weights or a medicine ball.

This 30 minute workout is over before you know it.  What makes this workout stand out is the variety of exercises and fast paced movement through it.  The video provides a mix of HIIT, boxing moves, and finishes with core.  You will go through 5 rounds, with each section being timed and constantly moving in 30 second intervals.

Round 1: This round is comprised of a sequence of HIIT exercises.  Each exercise if performed for 30 seconds.  The round includes 2 sets of forward press military jack, high knees, jump squat, half burpee, and abduction plank.

Recovery for 1 minute

Round 2: This round is also comprised of a sequence of HIIT exercises.  Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds.  The round includes 2 sets of car jacks, staggered lunge floor touch jumps (one set per leg), mountain climbers, and squat thrust jumps.

Recovery for 1 minute

The workout now moves into 3 rounds of 3-minute boxing moves.

Boxing Round 1- In this round you will do 30 seconds of each of the following combos: jab-cross-reset, jab-cross-hook-reset, speed hooks, hook-uppercut, jab-cross-switch, and jab-cross.

Recovery 1 minute

Boxing Round 2- In this round you will do 30 seconds of each of the following combos: cross-slip-cross, jab-cross-duck-cross, speed hooks, upper cut-hook-hook, double jab-cross, and hook-hook-jab.

Recovery 1 minute

Boxing Round 3- In this round you will do 30 seconds of each of the following combos: jab-cross-hook-upper cut-upper cut, cross-hook-upper cut, Non dominate cross-hook-upper cut, 4 jab crosses, 4 high knees, slip-cross hook-hook, and hook-upper cut-switch.

Recovery 1 Minute

The workout ends with 5 minutes of core work including plank and hold, shoulder touches, Hip dips, flutter kicks, and arm and leg raises.

All around this is a fast-paced workout that you will feel everywhere!  Each activity is only 30 seconds, so the fast movement really keeps you motivated throughout!