KIWI the Magical Fruit!

Kiwi is a relatively small fruit that comes loaded with vitamins and minerals. Just one serving of kiwi contains nearly twice the amount of vitamin C than an orange offers! And for less than 100 calories a serving, you are also looking at gaining the same amount of potassium as a banana contains. Looking for a fiber boost? Yup you guessed it, the answer is kiwi!

Of course there are some pretty amazing health benefits we should look closer at. Eating kiwi is a great step towards improving heart health as it is packed with potassium and low in sodium, both which are important for keeping blood pressure at a healthy level. Adding kiwi to your diet when experiencing an upper respiratory illness can actually shorten the duration of this type of virus as well as lessen symptoms experienced according to recent studies. Another fun fact about adding kiwi to your diet is that it can actually aid in wound healing due to the high amount of vitamin C and K that a kiwi contains. Both of these vitamins play an important role in wound healing. Super cool right?!

Kiwi is a fruit that not only is delicious, but also very nutritious. There are so many ways to add kiwi to your diet. Take a look at the recipe we found today!