It’s All About the BUTT

Let’s face it we all can appreciate a good lookin’ rear end. Or maybe it is you that desires a fit appearing bum. If it is the latter, we got your butt covered. Not only can we help you reach your booty goals, but we can also remind you of the benefits of working out your gluteus maximus. If you are looking for improved athletic performance as well as injury prevention, building up your glutes is the answer. Here we take a look at some easy exercises you can engage in throughout your day for a stronger and more toned tush.


Squats are an easy-to-do, butt toning exercise that can be done at home or at the office. Keeping feet shoulder width apart with toes pointing forward, you begin to bend at the hips and knees. It is important to make sure your back is straight and your chin is up, no looking down. You may stay in this position for about 30-45 seconds before standing back up straight. Be sure to squeeze your glutes and tilt pelvis forward as you return to standing. Try completing 8-12 times for maximum benefit.


Donkey kicks are simple yet powerful. When done correctly, you will feel the burn in not only your glutes but also your core. Get down on all-fours. Keep your hands directly below your shoulders and knees directly below your hips. Pay attention to your back being straight throughout. Engage your core, and make sure arms remain straight. Begin to raise your right knee off the floor, keeping it at 90 degrees, with the sole of the right foot being pressed up towards the ceiling. Squeeze your right glute as your foot reaches the top. After lowering your right leg, begin the same movement with your left leg. One rep is considered completed after both right and left leg have completed this movement. Aim for 8-12 reps for full benefit.

The bridge exercise is another uncomplicated exercise that has a big impact on glute growth. To begin this exercise, lie down with back flat on the floor. Knees should be bent with feet flat on the floor. Begin lifting pelvis in the air while squeezing your butt muscles. Once you return to the starting position you have completed one rep. Try completing 8-12 reps of this exercise.

There are many ways you can incorporate exercises that target your butt muscles into your day. Whatever your goals may be for the perfect butt, speak with your personal trainer about options that work best for you.