Gluten Free Beer

Ahhh Beer. A drink that symbolizes “end of the workday”, “Happy weekend”, and is the ultimate sign of “casual relaxation with a touch of socialization” found both at home or the local pub. While this drink is common, it didn’t use to be accessible to all! You see, many traditional beers are made with Gluten. Glycoproteins (gluten) comes from barley and wheat- main ingredients to Beer. Gluten unfortunately can trigger symptoms in those with Celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine that occurs in genetically predisposed people of all ages. And as it turns out, about one in 133 people have Celiac disease – certainly making a market for a new Gluten-Free option!


With the Gluten-Free target market growing, a few new options came to light: Gluten-Free Beer and Gluten-Removed Beer!


it’s important to know the differences of gluten-removed beers and gluten-free beer. Gluten-removed beers are made with traditional ingredients, including malted barley and wheat, and then during fermentation the gluten is removed- typically by adding an enzyme that attacks and eats the gluten. However, it’s been found that traces of glycoproteins are still found in these beers. And if someone is highly sensitive to gluten, perhaps this type of beer isn’t for you. The safest choice then would be Gluten-Free Beer- these beers cannot be made from wheat, rye, or barley!


Are there benefits to drinking Gluten-Free Beer?


Without trying to promote alcohol consumption… there is research depicting benefits of drinking beer! Some benefits like:


-Beer contains all the minerals the human body needs for survival.

-Beer contains antioxidants that protect against the damaging effects of oxygen and nitrogen in the body and may help prevent high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. The amount of antioxidants found in beer depends on the type of beer, with darker beers and craft beers having more than light adjunct lagers.

-Compared to cocktails, drinking beer can save someone over 150 calories per drink. In most cases, a beer with a higher Alcohol by Volume- contains more calories.

-Offers a little less bloat than the usual heavy beers.


While there are some casual benefits to drinking Gluten-Free Beer, do keep in mind it is still indeed alcohol. That being said, since the discovery of how large the Gluten-Free market truly is… it’s taken the world by storm. So, whether you have celiac disease, a gluten sensitivity or intolerance, or a wheat allergy—beer doesn’t have to be off the drink menu altogether anymore! Companies are constantly improving their formulas and bringing new flavors and tastes to the masses to experiment with. So, if you’re on the market to taste-test some new brews, there’s definitely something out there for you!


Some popular brews you may be interest in trying:


New Planet: Have a blonde ale and pale ale that are gluten-free, and the session ale and IPA are crafted by removing gluten.

Steadfast Beer Co.: Completely Gluten-Free! Their Oatmeal Cream Stout is touted as the first bottled gluten-free stout in America. Steadfast also offers a pale ale, IPA, and blonde ale.


Ground Breaker Brewing: Completely Gluten-Free! Known for the Olallie Ale, IPA No. 5, Dark Ale, and Pale Ale!