Flutter Kicks

Flutter kicks deserve a ton of credit for being the trifecta of exercises. The exercise isn’t just for ab-sculpting, but it totally does the trick for your abs.  It also is a great way to target leg muscles. By doing them properly, you can work on core stabilization while working your quads and hip flexors for an added benefit.  Doing the flutter kick brisky is also going to raise your target heart rate and get you some cardio action!

How to Do A Flutter Kick

  • Lie flat on the ground with your arms extended by your sides.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and brace your core, alternate kicking straight legs a few inches off the ground.
  • Don’t let your lower back arch off the ground, and make sure your legs stay straight.
  • Stop and hover above the ground and keep fluttering until your set is complete.
  • Maintain relaxed shoulders if you can and keep breathing through a stable core.

*If this is uncomfortable, you can modify by placing your hands under your lower back (palms down) for added stability.

Tips on Form

Flutter kicks target your transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, obliques, hip flexors, and glutes while stabilizing your lumbar spine. Keep in mind that if your lower back is arching off the ground mid-move, you’re most likely lifting your legs too high. It is very important to ensure that you tuck the tailbone and stabilize the core before lifting the legs.  If you don’t, it’s not uncommon to feel some popping of the hip joint or even some lower back pain. Letting your legs bend while fluttering and losing full knee extension can cause additional strain on your lower back.