Dragon Fruit

Looking for a nutritious snack that is like no other? Well, with a name like “dragon fruit” and a rather unique appearance of being pink and oval-shaped with green scales, you cannot get any more different! The dragon fruit is a tropical fruit that comes from a cactus. It is comparable to a kiwi as well as a pear as the dragon fruit is both sweet and crunchy. Let’s get a little adventurous with this distinctive one, and check out the many benefits of the dragon fruit.

The dragon fruit is rich in antioxidants, further helping to prevent inflammatory conditions of the body such as arthritis or gout. Desiring improved control of diabetes? The dragon fruit has been shown in previous studies to increase the production of insulin. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. Some of these nutrients include vitamins A and C, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. There are prebiotic properties found in the dragon fruit, further aiding in improving digestive health. Those small seeds in the dragon fruit? Yup, consider eating those tasty little bits too! The seeds of the dragon fruit contain omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids, both which benefit the heart.

Dragon fruit is a fun and nutritional fruit that you can add to your diet easily. It holds many health benefits, and is loaded with vitamins and minerals. Looking to start trying this tasty delight? Check out the recipe we found:

Dragon Fruit Smoothie