
Choc’ Full of Health Benefits

We’ve all been told for years that chocolate is bad for us, this is not entirely accurate. Benefits of chocolate include lowering the risk of heart diseases, appetite control, improved memory, mood elevation, treating colds, improved functioning of the nervous system, and stress relief amongst others.

The health benefits of chocolate stem from the antioxidant flavonoids. Chocolate comes from the cacao plant, which is rich in flavanols, a type of flavonoid phytochemical. Not all chocolate is created equal and it is important to understand this. The more nonfat cocoa solids a chocolate product contains, the more antioxidants it tends to contribute. Cacao does contain some saturated fat, but most of it is stearic acid, which doesn’t elevate cholesterol levels as much as other saturated fatty acids. You will want to avoid chocolates that contain harmful saturated fats and trans fats.

Reduces the Risk of a Heart Attack- A few pieces of dark chocolate a day can reduce the risk of heart attack by almost 50% in some cases according to John Hopkins University School of Medicine. Flavanols in cocoa beans have a biochemical effect of reducing platelet clumping, similar to aspirin. Researchers from Harvard University School suggest cocoa and chocolate may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure, decreasing LDL oxidation, and having an anti-inflammation component.

Decreases Blood Pressure and Increase Insulin Sensitivity– Researchers have found that insulin resistance was significantly lowered in those who ate the dark chocolate as opposed to a group eating white chocolate. Systolic blood pressure was also lower in the dark chocolate group.

Improve Arterial Blood Flow- Healthy men who consume flavanol-rich cocoa may see improvements in the flow of blood through their arteries. Researchers found that when healthy men consumed cocoa, the ability of their blood vessels to relax improved significantly.

Helps with Mood- Flavanols and methylxanthines are believed to contribute to chocolate’s mood-enhancing effects. Researchers believe that chocolate aids the action of neurotransmitters, like serotonin, which help regulate mood and sleep. Chocolate has been shown to improve depression and anxiety symptoms and to help increase feelings of calmness.

The health benefits of chocolate may disappear if you are adding calories above your regular intake, which could lead to weight gain. People can benefit from including a variety of flavonoid-rich foods as part of a healthful diet and dark chocolate, in moderate amounts, can be part of this diet. So, while chocolate does offer a variety of health benefits, you must choose your chocolate wisely.

Healthiest Chocolate Brands-

Lily’s Chocolate

Alter Eco Dark Chocolate Bars

Hu Vegan Chocolate Bars

Lake Champlain Chocolates


Lindt Excellence Dark Chocolate