
It is revitalizing fruit known for its summertime addition to the classic fruit salad dish. Cantaloupe is a delicious melon that is related to watermelon, honeydew, and cucumbers. It is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is the perfect snack following a sweat-drenching workout, as it is a hydrating fruit sure to energize you. The perks don’t end here though, so let’s take a look at some of the major benefits of eating cantaloupe.

If you’re looking to drop the number on the scale, but also craving a sweet treat, cantaloupe might be the answer! With its high fiber and water content, cantaloupe helps you to feel full for longer. It fills you up quick too, reducing overall hunger for the day and helping you keep your portions small. At roughly 47 calories per serving, it really makes a healthy dessert or a snack. And the vitamins and minerals it contains? Each serving contains more than half of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps support the immune as well as metabolic system, and can help slow down the aging process. Looking to boost your daily intake of vitamin A? Cantaloupe is your fruit! A serving contains almost all of your daily vitamin A needs, furthermore helping to keep your eyes, bones, skin, and immune system working optimally. Cantaloupe is also a good source of potassium, which helps to support a healthy blood pressure as well as strong and healthy muscles. Cantaloupes are filled with electrolytes, balancing the body fluids in your body and helping to hydrate as well as energize you. Eating cantaloupe can also help with inflammation, as cantaloupe has anti-inflammatory properties. Other important minerals cantaloupe contains include iron, magnesium, folic acid, calcium, and zinc.

Cantaloupe is a hydrating fruit sure to energize you. It contains a wide-range of health benefits, all while quenching thirst and satisfying that sweet tooth. Check out the recipe we found below to get your serving of cantaloupe in today!