Breathing in Boxing

Boxing is a sport where there are many fine details throughout every movement.

When training for this sport, professional boxers focus on the small details. Every movement is significant in this sport. When it comes to breathing during this sport, there is a technique to this that should not be overlooked.


The Benefits


Proper breathing during boxing is vital to helping a boxer reach its full potential. Breathing is what maximizes power behind every technique and helps provide energy to sustain that power throughout a match. It is very hard to catch a second wind once out of breath. Practicing proper breathing can allow you to get through a boxing match and execute high impact moves efficiently. Behind stamina and conditioning is proper breathing, and something that new boxers should add to their training regimen. The truth is with proper breathing you are actually using less energy while remaining effective with your technique. This is crucial for those championship rounds later on, that require so much energy. Most of us know too that our muscles need oxygen to stay energized. With boxing, the whole body is involved. It is easy to become weak in our legs when we are not receiving the right amount of oxygen. Proper breathing allows for us to move with calm and ease, our muscles to function at capacity, and for our bodies to move more fluidly.


The Technique


The most important thing to proper breathing when boxing is that you should exhale through the nose sharply every time you throw a punch. This immediate release of oxygen provides nutrients and oxygen back into the muscles once a punch has been completed. When breathing in this consistent cycle, you are then able to execute punches while putting power behind it.


Final Thoughts


Every person practicing boxing and looking to master this sport should consider proper breathing in their training regimen. Proper breathing comes with many benefits when boxing. Once proper breathing has been mastered, expect to excel in your technique and ability to maintain energy and power.