Boxing Without the Bag

During these tough times, we are getting a bit stir crazy with the gyms still being closed. How do we boxers get proper training without our punching bags?! There are a couple alternatives to the bag while still perfecting our form, here they are:

Shadow Boxing:

This is an exercise where the athlete envisions his/her opponent and practices throwing punches, deflecting, dipping, simulating a fight in real-time. This allows the boxer to practice form and movements – many times this is done in front of a mirror in order to calculate mistakes and areas to improve. Sparing will always offer a more realistic “In-The-Ring” training, but during these difficult times, it may not be so easy to find that partner to help out.

Shadow Boxing with Hand Weights:

Much like normal shadow boxing, adding weight can strengthen your shoulders, arms, abdominals, and obliques. That extra strength will give you a little more power within the punches as well as a more controlled movement. Overall, helping make you a stronger and more accurate boxer. We recommend using 2lbs, 3lbs, or 5lbs weights.

HIIT Fitness:

HIIT is a training method in which you give your all, one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and in turn burns more fat in less time. This workout is similar to boxing in the aspect that functional movements are used within the routine to work as many muscles in the body applicable to everyday activities; and, boxing is a full body, high intensity sport that requires fast paced workouts similar to HIIT. These workouts aren’t for the faint hearted but will make you stronger and a better athlete overall.

Level Red Virtual Workouts:

By signing up for the virtual workout membership, you’ll receive new videos each week from different motivators that provide detailed instruction of how to perform super moves within the comfort of your home. These coaches will motivate you to keep you on track as well as offer a wide variety of routines that cater to all levels of fitness and skills. If interested in learning more, please contact your local Level Red Boxing gym or visit the website at to start your boxing fitness journey!


Working out at home isn’t easy, let alone boxing! But the motivation and desire to reach personal growth is enough to help guide you to resources like Level Red Boxing Virtual Videos to purse your goals. We’d love to thank our supportive team and staff for taking the time to develop strong workout routines each week to help our dedicated athletes keep on route of their healthy paths. We are stronger together!