Bicycle Crunch

At Level Red Boxing you’ll have the opportunity to workout every muscle in your body- some muscles you probably didn’t even know existed. During the circuit, one of the exercises you’ll encounter is the Bicycle Crunch.


This move helps strengthen your core- upper, lower, middle abs as well as your quadriceps- as well strengthen your hamstrings. Through out the movement your body learns to keep balanced and to perform fluid movements to help target each muscle. At the end of it you’ll certainly feel the burn in your abs. Just be sure to not strain your neck, which is a common mistake for newbies to the move.


Here’s how you do it:



  1. Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed into your mat. Interlace your fingers to create a cradle and place it behind your head. Elbows should be out of your peripheral vision.
  2. Float your legs up to a tabletop position, ankles in line with knees. Engage abdominals. Lift your head, so your shoulder blades are hovering off the ground.
  3. Straighten the right leg long while turning the upper body left.
  4. Bring your right elbow towards your left knee. Twist at the ribs and lead with your shoulder rather than your elbow.
  5. Switch and repeat on the other side. Continue for full rep count.


Be sure to not tug at your neck while you’re lifting off the ground- that’s how many people end up injuring themselves. If you’d feel more comfortable performing this move with a trainer’s supervision, be sure to stop over at your local Level Red Boxing Club to get dedicated attention to help meet your goals.