

Nutrition effects your physical and mental wellness. Following a healthy diet can lead to positive changes in your everyday life.

Energy Levels- A nutrient-rich diet means more fuel for you to power through your workday, your workout, and everything else you need to get done. To maximize your energy level, eat smaller meals more frequently, incorporate all the food groups, avoid alcohol, and drink plenty of water.

Weight Management- Paying attention to nutrition labels and making strategic choices about what you consume will help you gain control of your weight. Good nutrition can help you avoid cravings and binges that threaten your fitness and weight loss goals.

Aging Process- If you want to live longer and get more fit, it’s time to start monitoring the nutritional value of foods you’re eating. Experts say diet and exercise are the biggest contributors to lifespan. Some nutrients bolster your digestive functions and immune system, which will work against the degenerative changes that occur within these bodily systems as you age. Other foods are even reported to help the body fight off disease, inflammation, and bad cholesterol.

Your Brain Function- Nutrient-rich foods like nuts, seeds, and avocados contain brain power-boosting Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Other foods to incorporate into your diet for maximum mental capacity include:

blueberries – they may improve short term memory

pumpkin seeds – they enhance memory and critical thinking skills

broccoli – it enhances cognitive function

Immune System- In addition to fighting off disease, a well-balanced diet can fight common illnesses. Your immune system requires vitamins and minerals obtained in your daily diet to stay functioning at its highest level. The following vitamins and minerals contribute to a stronger immune system: Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Zinc, and Selenium.

To achieve a well-balanced diet, make sure you are consuming all the nutrients your body needs throughout the day. That means protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals all need to be a part of your diet. Next, reduce your intake of sweets and unhealthy fats, make simple food swaps to satisfy “cravings,” and start cooking more of your own meals at home so you know exactly what’s going in them.