
Bonus Workouts – No Time, No Problem

We all know fitness is important for our health and well-being, but finding the time within your busy schedule to fit in a workout can be quite the challenge and we at Level Red Boxing totally get that! That is why we offer our Virtual Workout Center.

We deliver the best at-home workouts that can be done with or without the gear. We’ve got full body boxing inspired workouts led by LRB MOTIVATORS! For those of you whose time is at a premium we’ve got bonus workouts. Bonus Workouts offer a full body workout in 15 minutes or less. If you are low on time, but want to burn a few hundred calories our Bonus Workouts are just what you need. You can combine the bonus videos with our other virtual workouts or add weight if you want to level up your workout. Check out https://levelredboxing.com/virtual-workout-center.html for a large selection of Bonus Workouts, like the one below.

Kettle Bell Bonus-5

This 15-minute workout works your legs, shoulders, and back with the use of a kettle bell. The workout opens with a 3-minute warm up to prep your body for the short, but intense workout.  Then you are taken through two 6-minute rounds consisting of the following series of exercises: clean and squats, single arm military presses, ball swings, clean squat and presses, upright rows, single arm presses, alternating reverse lunges, and 45-degree horizontal presses. After two fast paced rounds, you are shown some stretches to cool down.  Twenty minutes in and your workout is fully complete! Give it a try the next time you are low on time, but don’t want to skip your workout completely.