
Coconut Protein Balls

Coconuts have been eaten for thousands of years, especially by people of the western part of the Pacific. Coconut is full of nutrients and offers plenty of health benefits.

  1. Full of Vitamins and Minerals– Coconut milk offers tons of vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin E. It is also rich in minerals: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron.
  2. Antioxidants- Coconut is packed with antioxidants, which combat free radicals within the cells.
  3. Rich in Lauric Acid– Coconuts are one of the few foods that have high amounts of lauric acid. Lauric acid is useful in fighting viruses, fungi, and bacteria, which can prevent illness.
  4. Prevents Heart Disease- Fats found in coconuts milk are less likely to cause atherosclerosis compared to cow’s milk, making coconut milk a good choice instead of regular milk.
  5. Restore Damaged Hair and Acne– Coconut oil has an antimicrobial effect, which can help to restore damaged hair and acne.
  6. Help with Weight Loss- Coconut oil is believed to work to stimulate the metabolism.
  7. Easy to Digest- Coconut is much easier to digest due to the high fiber content.
  8. Low in Calories- Coconut water is low in carbs, calories, sugar, and nearly fat-free. Coconut water has high amounts of protein, vitamin B complex, and ascorbic acid.
  9. Helps in Insulin Secretion
  10. Supports thyroid function- There are substances in coconut that help the thyroid gland work better.

Try these Coconut Protein Balls! They taste like no bake bars, contain just 6 ingredients with no added sugars, and take 20 minutes to make. They are perfect for a pre/post-workout snack with 5g of protein.


3 cups Medjool dates pitted

1 1/2 cups almonds

1/2 cup water

2 tbsp cacao powder

4 scoops 120 g whey protein powder, unsweetened*

1/4 cup dark chocolate chips

1/2 cup coconut flakes unsweetened



-In a food processor, add almonds, process until coarse flour texture. Add dates and water, process until combined, pausing and scraping the walls if necessary.

– Add cacao and protein powders, process until well combined, pausing and scraping the walls if necessary. Add chocolate chips and give a few pulses to distribute evenly.

– Remove the blade. Using spatula scrape the dough off of the blade and walls pulling into one pile inside the food processor bowl.

– Spread coconut flakes on a large plate. Using small cookie dough scoop, drop balls of dough onto it, cover with coconut flakes (from the plate) and gently roll around a bit.

– Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 1 week or freeze for up to 3 months.