
New Year, New You – Goal Setting

Fitness goals are very important for a multitude of reasons; they hold us accountable, expand our hope, and encourage us to push through temporary discomfort for long-lasting change. Sometimes though, figuring out how to set fitness goals that you’ll actually want to achieve can be the hardest part!

If your goals are thoughtful and well structured, they can provide additional incentive to keep going when motivation wanes or the distractions of life start to get in the way. Unfortunately, all too often we mistakenly set goals that are too lofty, unsustainable, and basically unrealistic. Then we end up not achieving our goals and feeling worse about ourselves than when we started. Here are a few tips for laying the foundation to real, positive change through attainable goal setting.

  1. One goal at a time- Don’t try to do too much. We all have a list of things we want to improve but trying to tackle too much at once is setting yourself up for failure. Instead, pick one thing you want to accomplish and focus your efforts into achieving that before moving on to your next goal.
  2. Make it your own- Your goals need to be yours—something that you are personally excited about and realistically able to achieve—not someone else’s.
  3. Make sure your goal is SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely)- Having a measurable goal allows you to track your progress and the more specific your goal, the clearer the path to achieving it becomes. Your goal should also be timely, this helps you focus your efforts, develop a structured plan for achieving the goal, and creates a sense of urgency that can be motivating.
  4. Set the bar low—at first- This is where the aspect of attainable comes into play. When starting off, your goal should seem relatively easy and within reach. It’s a confidence thing. Starting off with a win, increases your confidence and strengthens your mindset to achieve harder goals in the future. This is journey, not a race.  So, it is important to stack your wins, even the small ones.
  5. Be flexible- It’s important to give yourself permission to alter your goal as you progress with your fitness journey. Set goals you think you can achieve and then modify them as you understand more what you are actually capable of.
  6. Develop small goals to get to your big goal- Within your ultimate goal you should have smaller, confidence-building goals that are achievable in a shorter time period. This will show yourself how much you’ve accomplished and assess where you currently are. Seeing these little victories; builds confidence, maintains motivation, and strengthens your mindset.
  7. Be honest with yourself- It’s helpful to consider what has hindered you from achieving your goals in the past. Pay attention to this information and incorporate it into you plan. Being honest with yourself will help you identify and eliminate barriers before you get started.
  8. Create a support system- When creating your goal, think about who in your life could encourage, motivate, and hold you accountable. Then recruit them whenever you’re in need of support.